Home Improvement

Should you restore or replace your hard wood floors?

restore or replace your hard wood floors

When it comes to certain types of wood flooring such as engineered wood floors or hardwood floors, damage of any kind can be solved either by total floor restoration or by partial or total replacement.

When it comes to certain types of wood flooring such as engineered wood floors or hardwood floors, damage of any kind can be solved either by total floor restoration or by partial or total replacement.

Choosing between wood floor refurbishment and a complete replacement of the tiles can be difficult for beginners, especially as it involves a considerable budget difference. Here are the main criteria you should take into consideration when it comes to restring or replacing your wood flooring boards:

How serious is the damage?

Not every type of damage implies replacing the floor. In the case of engineered wood floors or solid wood floors, scratches, scuffs and dents can be easily removed through a wood floor refurbishment process.

Instead, when the condition of the floor has been severely degraded and involves rot or water damage, replacing wood flooring boards is the only solution. However, to reduce costs, you can opt for partial reconditioning of the floor, replacing only the affected tiles.

The age of your wood flooring boards

Hardwood floors have a long life and can withstand up to 10 reconditioning procedures. Depending on the condition of the floor, wood flooring specialists will tell you whether or not the boards support another wood floor refurbishment. Too many reconditioners can destabilize the floor structurally. In this case, you will be advised to replace the floor with a new one.

Do you like the style of your wood flooring tiles?

Most of the time, a hardwood floor is acquired with the purchase of the house. While the color or the finish of the floor can be easily replaced, the style of your parquet must be in line with your taste and vision. If you feel like your wood flooring style doesn’t match your expectations, our advice is to replace it right away.

The best advice you can get regarding the choice between a wood floor refurbishment and replacing your floor will always be the one offered by a specialist. Therefore, make sure you request a professional evaluation of your flooring before taking the final decision!

John Navarra
John Navarra is a bold and passionate writer. He continues to create engaging articles. Being bold continues by promoting a creative atmosphere, where there is the courage to do things differently and go into the unknown to make the impossible possible.

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